Abigail Mae
Abbie Mae was born on September 13th, 2006 at 5:25 pm. She was born by emergency c-section (a long story I'll let you read about if you ask) a little over five weeks early. The doctor guessed her weight to be about 4 pounds, but she surprised everyone by weighing in at 5 pounds, 8 ounces. She had trouble breathing when she was born, which earned her a trip to the Intensive Care Nursery where she hung out for 7 whole days. She did really well and only had to be on oxygen the first night. She spent the rest of the week learning to eat. I didn't get to see her until she was a day old because some of the medicine I was getting required that I not leave my room for 24 hours - talk about a long time! Once I saw her, it was, of course, love at first sight. I'm so thankful that everything turned out as well as it did. Abbie is doing well and we are so glad to have her home with us! We are truly blessed.
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