Absolute Poppycock?
You know, I’ve been thinking of writing a blog for months now and, as ridiculous as it might sound, what’s been holding me back is what to call the thing. I know, I know – forget the content or even the appearance – it seems like the name should be the least of my worries. But it wasn’t…Last night, Gracie was walking around the living room, toting her water baby that she got for her birthday last year, when suddenly she stops, pats it on the back, and says to it, very lovingly, “That’s absolutely poppycock.” Steve choked on his laughter, and when I finished giggling, I had a Eureka moment, “That’s it! That’s what I’ll call my blog – Absolute Poppycock!” Now, Gracie’s been saying poppycock for a few days (she says she heard it in Peter Pan, but I’ve yet to see where) and nothing has struck me about it, but as soon as she said “absolutely poppycock” I just knew I had my title, because well, the truth is, pretty much anything I have to say will be absolute poppycock!