Is it May 20th? Wasn’t yesterday April 30th? I can’t believe how time is flying by this month. I know I sound like a broken record, but sometimes, it feels like I fall asleep at night and wake up three weeks later. We’ve done a lot this month, but we’ve taken a little time to […]
Yearly Archives: 2012

Here’s another Pinterest recipe that we tried. The original recipe is from Alexandra’s Kitchen (link). I pinned it a few weeks ago and finally, this week I managed to pick up a lemon and some blueberries from Publix. I am the world’s worst about forgetting one crucial ingredient for a recipe and then becoming completely […]
My girls are generally the last ones to turn in their school permission slips. They are the children who show up at school missing either their entire lunch or part of it; they are the ones wearing mismatched soccer socks on game day because I can’t find the set. I am scatter-brained and disorganized and […]