I think on Monday, I woke up on the wrong side of the universe. By 7:30 a.m., Steve and I had an argument about division of responsibility in our morning routines. He takes the girls to school for me most morning, which is a huge help for me, except when it isn’t. Steve is very, […]
Monthly Archives: December 2012
There’s a line at the beginning of the third chapter of the Christmas Box that says, “Sunday was not proclaimed the ‘day of rest’ by a mother with a family to ready for church, but such is the irony of piousness.” That could probably sum up my first Sunday in December. Well, it could probably […]

You know Ali Edwards, right? Well, maybe not. But if you’ve ever been part of a scrapbooking community, you probably do. (Steve, if you’re reading this, she’s like the Nick Saban of the scrapbooking world). Anyway, she does this December Daily album every year where she documents the moments of her family’s life throughout the […]