Fun test
Abigail had her tonsils and aednoids removed last Tuesday by a skilled surgeon wielding a cool little tool called a plasma knife. Her recovery has been both better and worse than I expected. She ran a low grade fever and had some significant pain for a few days after the surgery. Both were easily handled […]
This is the face of a child with ADHD. I have not blogged about it too much (more hints and innuendo than directly discussing it), not because I’m bothered by it, but because she has specific concerns about me blogging about her experiences. And, I respect her wishes on this. I’m completely and absolutely amazed […]
I feel aimless this morning….I don’t feel well and my mind is overrun with thinking about all kinds of things, both good and bad. Are you that way? When you have so many things to do, you’re not sure where to start so you just don’t start anything? This week has really thrown me for […]
Gracie was a little late to choir yesterday. Mostly because ten minutes before we were supposed to be there, she was doing this: Sometimes, it feels like we have so much going on between work and school and scouts and piano and soccer and choir and church and reading and reading and laundry and dinner […]