I went to the dentist yesterday. Honestly, getting me to go to the dentist is like pulling teeth! Ha, ha – I crack myself up with my own jokes! Really, I dislike the dentist, but a small filling fell out on Saturday and I know better than to just let something like that go. While I would have preferred to ignore it, that probably would have meant more pain at a future date. Not to mention, I would have obsessed about the hole in my tooth until I got it fixed anyway. My big irrational fear about the dentist is that I am convinced, every time I go, that they are going to tell me that I need to have root canals on all of my teeth and after that they’re going to pull them all out without anesthesia. It’s irrational – I know. I think it has something to do with a pretty horrendous tooth extraction that I had when I was a kid before I had my braces.
I’m sure you’re probably wondering what all this has to do with the picture of the yummy concoction at the top of the page. Well, I made these for dinner on Tuesday night but because they have marshmallows and peanut butter and all kinds of ooey chewy goodness in them, I was afraid to eat them before I went to the dentist. You know, I might have pulled all of my teeth out before my appointment or it might have cause all my teeth to rot so I wouldn’t have to just have one root canal on each tooth, I’d need two. You know the thing about irrational fear? It’s irrational.
Anyway, for dinner Tuesday night we had Mummy Dogs and Ghostly Greens (basically a really yummy salad with a basil balsamic dressing and homemade croutons in the shape of bats and ghosts) and had these little Tricky Krispie Treats for dessert. Because of my dentist fear, I didn’t have one until yesterday afternoon, but they are so good. The peanut butter and the candies, not to mention the drizzled chocolate, make them a step of from plain old rice krispie treats.
Here’s the recipe:
Tricky Krispie Treats
3 tablespoons butter
4 cups mini marshmallows
5 cups of rice krispies
1 cup Reese’s Pieces
8 oz semisweet chocolate, chopped (I used two Ghiradelli chocolate bars)
2 tablespoons of cream peanut butter (I used Jif Natural)
35 Reese’s Mini (those teeny tiny little ones – of you could use 17 miniatures – the ones that are individually wrapped in foil and chop them up)
Grease a 9X13 inch pan with butter. In a large bowl, microwave 3 tablespoons of butter and the marshmallows on high for 2 minutes or until they’ve both melted and the mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in the cereal and the Reese’s Pieces. Quickly spread in the pan.
In a small bowl, microwave the chopped up chocolate and the peanut butter on high for one minute and thirty seconds, stirring every thirty seconds, until softened and chocolate can be stirred smooth. Drizzle the chocolate mixture over the cereal mixture. Then, sprinkle on the peanut butter cups. Let the whole thing sit for 30 minutes until the chocolate is set. Cut into pieces.